Sword of Hope

The shock, the pain and sadness were too overwhelming to forget when I first found the truth of dog meat watching “Eating Happiness”, the documentary which is filmed by Genlin.  As I was appealing for the eradication of the dog meat industry with tears, I became a member of the World Dog Alliance “Saint Dog Army 96, and obtained the sword of hope for animals.

WDA aims for “a clear legislation to prohibit the eating of dog and cat meat” and the Alliance which operates solely on founder’s own assets,which is exceptional.

I asked “What do you do when a global ban on the eating of dog and cat meat ban is achieved?”  “There are millions of animals that must be saved. We don’t have time to slow down.” founder Genlin answered immediately.

WDA is guided by unwavering decision, action and high reliability of the leader.

We have succeeded in legislating one after another just in a few years since it had been founded.

I believe the sword of hope held by all members of the Army 96 will shine even more and illuminate the world.

I am proud to be a member of WDA “Saint Dog Army 96”.

And thank Genlin and all other members for entrusting me with the sword of hope.

Yasue Watanabe
Japan General Representative