Updates in South Korea

Committee to ban dog meat extends discussion time again

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Food said on the 4th July that the committee will continue its work, but no date has been set for the outcome of the discussion. Since there is no consensus on the date and specific plan for the ban on dog meat, the future discussion will focus on the support for dog meat workers to change their business. Last December, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food set up a discussion committee consisting of relevant organisations, the government and experts to reach a conclusion in April, but it did not achieve its goal.

The work was later extended for two months, but on June 29 the deadline was extended again.

The committee said that initially there was a wide range of opinions on the issue of banning dog meat, but after a series of on-site and public opinion surveys, and discussions, a consensus had been reached. It is only with regard to the specific period of time and the method of implementation that there are still differences.

The committee chairman said that efforts would be made to promote a legislative ban on dog meat through continuous consultation.

Daegu mayor says dog meat consumption is a personal freedom

Although the Mayor of Daegu has a pet dog, he expressed his view that the ban on dog meat is a personal freedom and should not be interfered with.

Source: https://www.jeonmae.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=902671