The Ministry of the Environment in Japan has approved expenses related to the promotion for dog and cat adoption in the Budget for 2022.
25 million yen has been allocated for promoting a society where people and animals coexist in harmony. The Ministry of the Environment seems to have realized the growing demand for dog and cat adoption so as to achieve the goal of “zero euthanizing”.
- to comprehensively promote the adoption of dogs and cats to prevent them from being abandoned or killed in accordance with the enforcement of the revised Animal Protection and Control Law’s Standards Ministerial Ordinance.
- Create a society in which dogs and cats can play active roles and live happily.
- Conduct surveys, studies, and projects to promote the adoption of dogs and cats by the animal welfare organizations and local governments to create a society where the adoption of cats and dogs is a welcome move.
- Conduct surveys and studies and implement model projects to create opportunities for dogs and cats to play an active role in society.
World Dog Alliance advocates the “Trinity of Sustainability: Human-Animal-Environment.” Dogs and cats are companion animals, and many dogs work for us in society, while cats provide comfort to us. It is the responsibility of humans to help dogs and cats live happily until they die.
We hope that the “Comprehensive Promotion of Dog and Cat Adoption,” which costs 25 million yen, will eventually create a momentum for animal welfare and lead to dog and cat meat ban in Japan.