Legislation Roadmap

WDA representatives met with Congressman Oshima Kusuo. He pledged to prioritise the legislation to ban dog and cat meat.

WDA held and event in the Congress to present evidence of the dog meat industry in Japan. 20 congressmen attended to show support.

Genlin met with congressmen to discuss strategies on banning dog and cat meat in Japan.

Genlin founded "Dog Cat Party", the first political party dedicated to promoting the welfare of dogs and cats in the world.

Genlin successfully promoted the establishment of the Animal Parliamentary Alliance with parliamentary parties. The heavyweight member of the ruling party Hidehisa Otsuji became the chairman of the alliance.

34 members of the Cross-party Congressional Animal Welfare Alliance has submitted a joint letter to Prime Minister Suga, requesting Japan’s accession to the International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats.

Hidehisa Otsuji, chairman of the Parliamentary League for Animal Welfare, along with 10 members of the league, submitted a request letter to Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide in The Prime Minister’s Official Residence, turning a historic page on animal welfare in Japan. The request letter also lays the groundwork for a joint initiative between the United States and Japan on the International Agreement to Prohibit the Eating of Dogs and Cats.
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