Timeline Stories

WDA Founding Ceremony

12 December 2014 was the day the milestone was set for dog welfare worldwide. WDA held its founding ceremony in Hong Kong University, gathering animal activists to take the first step putting an end to dog meat consumption. WDA Founding Ceremony of one of a kind, because there was not..Read More

World Dog Alliance (WDA) Founded

In 2013, Genlin visited his ancestral hometown Guizhou, only to discover a huge banner advertising “Huajiang Dog Meat” on a three-story building. Confused, he was told that it was one of the three Guizhou cuisines. He was shocked as he had treated dogs as friends from the beginning. How could..Read More


全台只有高雄於去年12月通過「高雄市動物保護自治條例」規定不可食用貓狗,但台灣其他地方並沒有明文規定。若是此修正案三讀通過,無論是食用還是販賣貓狗肉,甚至牠們的屍體以及任何有「加料」的產品,一旦被查獲就直接罰錢,處以新台幣5萬以上25萬以下罰鍰,絕不寬貸。 ▲▼對台灣大部分人來說,貓和狗是最重要的家人和朋友。(圖/資料照/記者易景萱攝) 現在越來越多人養寵物,但以台灣來說,對於動物在法律上的保障卻不是很完善;虐狗、棄養、不當飼養等狀況還是一天到晚在發生,甚至會傳出貓狗被殺來做料理的事件,讓許多愛護動物的人心痛卻又無能為力。對此許多網友都認為,「一個國家的文明程度,在於他們怎麼對待動物」,小動物、寵物的權利真正受到重視,我們生活的環境也會相對更友善。 原文網址: 食用販賣貓狗肉皆有罪!邱志偉提修正動保法 最高罰25萬 | ETtoday寵物動物新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲 http://www.ettoday.net/news/20160528/706482.htm#ixzz4QdEzoBWt